November 29, 2012
Bangkok, Thailand
I joined a big crowd of Thai citizens who are sick of our current Thai government and its corrupt authorities on last Saturday, November 24, 2012. The gathering took place at Bangkok's Royal Plaza and on the roads nearby. It was a gloomy day with dark clouds that turned into dowpours later in the afternoon until late night.
The general public was invited to join the rally. The gathering was quite peaceful and not exciting except the times that the police simply used teargas, clubs and force with no warning to block a crowd from entering the rally ground. The police claimed that they found metal spears and bullets amid the crowd and arrested more than 120 persons including the press who were shooting and recording the situations.
Dozens of protesters and news reporters/photographers were injured by the police forces. Few free TV channels reported the situations there. Many people outside the gathering ground had no clue about what happened there. Others simply thought the protesters were such a nuisance for Thai society. That's pity how the truth has been covered and distorted to the world.
Looking back at the protesters that day, I must say the Thai police and the governent are a talented story teller team. They join hands well to create pictures opposite to the fact. At the rally, about 70 percent of protesters were middle-aged and senior people. Many were on wheelchair, aided by their children or maids. Some were healthy but enough to drag their own feets along and that's the end. Some protesters came in group while many others came by themselves. They were not hire-handed. I spotted several leading thinkers and academics amid the crowd. My friend and I went there with our mobile phones and wallets. Yes, those were the weapons we had.
Here are some pictures that I took from the rally ground.