
Healthy and Happy

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I have been away from my blog quite a long while and I have no excuse. Laziness has mainly been a main reason. But it is an honest reason after several projects of my work, chores and exhaustion. (Don't tell me you never experience such laziness. ^^)

Anyway, since I am back,  I would share with you my current view about the idea of "healthy and happy".  For the heathy and young people, that "heathy and happy" may not be the first thing coming in their mind.  But for those are advance in age or with poor health, that word is worth their life.
The elderly and the weak wish for good health, and that seems connecting them to their happiness almost at the same time. I am one of the latter when I was a kid.

Hospitals and clinics became my second home.  Illness robbed me of my school time and my happy days. I had suffered from cold, flu, allergies to common things like dust and dirt and some unknown causes as well as some serious sickness like dangue fever that led to my staying for more than a month in hospital. That was due partly to my frail body since I was born. My sisters have had far better health conditions. My parents tried their best and everyway possible to strengthen my physic and prevent me from illness. That was not easily at all. They spent a lot of time, effort and money for keeping me in normal health, if not very good one.

During those times fighting against illness, as a kid, I well understood the clear and close connection between good health and happiness. I also witnessed other people, adults and children, who suffered from poor health like I.  If they could do, I am sure they would have traded anything  to have great health.

Fortunately, my health became better over the years later, so I could enjoy life and experienced happiness like other healthy people.  However, to have better health required self-awareness and big effort on taking good care of both of body and mind.  And regularilty is a key to help achieve that. Healthy and balance diet, good sleep and proper exercise are necessary.  That is for the physical part. For the psychological part, seeing the world with optimal but clear views while accepting what's real is the key because it would save you from neither being overoptimistic nor being pessimistic.

You may not believe what I said or even argue with it.  That's fine. You have time to consider until later years of your life when health is likely to converse with age.  :)



