
A stroll on one fine afternoon before Christmas Day

 Monday 27 December 2021

Bangkok, Thailand

Hi there,

Just a few days before Christmas holiday I spent a few hours strolling around small streets in Bangkok's old China town and nearby areas.  I wished I could have had more time to carry on walking and exploring those areas further. But since I had another appointment with my best friend later, I told myself that I would return to carry on my mission soon.  Here are some shots that day: 

I did enjoy vanilla  and chocolate ice cream toppled with roasted chestnut  very much.  Steamed wontons stuffed with prawn were also tasty, and they filled up my stomach so much that I could not take anything else. Next time I will certainly not miss one of my favourite menus, noodle soup with duck. 

Happy Holiday, dear all

Gigi 😊😸