Sunday 21 November 2021
Bangkok, Thailand
I should earlier have written about the loss of my two eldest babies Meaw Daang and Meaw Noi since they passed away in late -July and mid-September respectively. Yet, it was too hard for me to bring it up on the page despite that I could handle the loss this time much better than when I lost the eldest one almost a decade earlier. Besides my broken heart, I was badly ill myself during that time too. I had no energy left to do anything but crying my heart out.
Although my two old cats had been suffered from kidney disease for years, they had enjoyed their lives most of the time. Until the last few months of their lives, their condition went down hill quickly following their acute infection: one was digestive tract infected, the other respiratory tract infected. I took them to pet hospital for their treatment. But no matter how best treatments and medication they got, none could save their lives. I prayed for them to rest in peace and maybe running happily in heaven above. And later I will join them when my time comes.
Love you both very much, Meaw Noi (Long tail) and Meaw Daang (Kunnai)