
A stroll on one fine afternoon before Christmas Day

 Monday 27 December 2021

Bangkok, Thailand

Hi there,

Just a few days before Christmas holiday I spent a few hours strolling around small streets in Bangkok's old China town and nearby areas.  I wished I could have had more time to carry on walking and exploring those areas further. But since I had another appointment with my best friend later, I told myself that I would return to carry on my mission soon.  Here are some shots that day: 

I did enjoy vanilla  and chocolate ice cream toppled with roasted chestnut  very much.  Steamed wontons stuffed with prawn were also tasty, and they filled up my stomach so much that I could not take anything else. Next time I will certainly not miss one of my favourite menus, noodle soup with duck. 

Happy Holiday, dear all

Gigi 😊😸


In remembrance of my dear babies Meaw Daang and Meaw Noi

Sunday 21 November 2021

Bangkok, Thailand

I should earlier have written about the loss of my two eldest babies Meaw Daang and Meaw Noi since they passed away in late -July and  mid-September respectively. Yet, it was too hard for me to bring it up on the page despite that I could handle the loss this time much better than when I lost the eldest one almost a decade earlier.  Besides my broken heart, I was badly ill myself during that time too.  I had no energy left to do anything but crying my heart out.

Although my two old cats had been suffered from kidney disease for years, they had enjoyed their lives most of the time.  Until the last few months of their lives,  their condition went down hill quickly following their acute infection: one was digestive tract infected, the other respiratory tract infected. I took them to pet hospital for their treatment. But no matter how best treatments and medication they got, none could save their lives.  I prayed for them to rest in peace and maybe running happily in heaven above. And later I will join them when my time comes.

Love you both very much, Meaw Noi (Long tail) and Meaw Daang (Kunnai)



 Wednesday 18 August 2021

Bangkok, Thailand

Let's relax. 

Although there are many terrible things happened in our world, we can still find many things that can help us to live on happily. 



The world must survive and live on healthily once again.

 Bangkok, Thailand

Sunday 27 June  2021

It has been around one and a half year since Thailand first suffered from the new coronavirus infection ( Covid-19) and the first reported case here on January 13, 2020 was a Chinese tourist from Wuhan, China. Ever since, we experienced the first wave, followed by the second wave, and we now are struggling for survival against the third wave of the spread of  this deadly viral  infection.   Unfortunately we haven't seen no end of this spread yet.

The news of third wave of the Covid-19 spread in Thailand came to the public after the latest Songkran holidays or Thai New Year, the most important holiday in Thailand when millions of people travel around in April each year. Most return to visit their family hometown or take a long holiday trip in provinces.  This year, among those travelers are a number of people infected with the coronavirus from their fun gathering at a hi-end pub and bar in Bangkok's Soi Thonglor, Sukhumvit area despite the restriction of the public's gathering during that time to prevent Covid-19 spread. Showing no concern about the spread, Some of these people are bar-goers and others, workers there.  

Until now, more new cases of infected people have been detected and reported each day although many are treated at hospital and return home after recovery later following their quarantine and medical treatment. Medical teams and healthcare volunteers have worked hard against time and the deadly virus. Yet, the numbers of the dead increase day by day.  Beds in hospitals for serious cases appear being in shortage while many field hospitals have been setting up for patients with mild or no symptoms. 

The Thai monarchy has also provided a great support to help people in Thailand , both Thais and foreigners from Covid-19 disease and its effects.  To hospitals,  communities, and the general public, our beloved Thai king and queen as well as the royal family have given hundreds of mobile vehicles and apparatuses for Covid-19 detection and screening,  financial support, food, medication and other supplies continuously.  Besides, the king also has assigned privy councilors to look after the welfare of his subjects and kept him updated on several missions to help his people. 

At present, vaccination seems the only means to cope with the spread of Covid-19 besides recommendation of mask wearing, hand cleaning and social distancing to everyone. The problem is the insufficiency of the vaccine supply for the public.  At first not many people wanted to get vaccination because they don't trust the new vaccines. But since the spread of the disease keeps on and more severe cases appear along with increasing promotion of vaccination by the government, the numbers of people who seek vaccination escalate so exponentially during the past two months.  

Until now, fewer than ten percent of the Thai population already received the complete two-dose vaccine while most people are still waiting for the first dose, ones of whom are my family and I. Each week news of new lots of vaccines coming is broadcast , but the process of vaccine distribution to the public seems slow and poorly organized.  Like me, many people have no choice but wait and see when their queue will  arrive.  



 Bangkok, Thailand

Saturday 20 February 2021

Hi There,

Today I had a class to teach outside in the morning and an online class at home later in the afternoon. Most people might enjoy their holiday weekend today, yet it didn't make me feel lazy especially when the weather was rather good. The sky was bright blue with no clouds. The breeze blew gently. The sunlight kept me just perfectly warm. 

After finishing chores early in the morning, I took a short walk to the nearest bus stop and caught the first bus coming.  Half of the bus seats were already taken and the empty ones were prohibited for anyone to seat because of the current "distancing" policy to prevent covid-19 spread.  Thus, like many other commuters, I had to stand until getting off at the destination. Luckily it took around 15 minutes to take me to the bus stop near Rajprasong,a major intersection in downtown Bangkok where several shopping malls are located. From here it took me to continue walking for around 10-15 minutes to reach the language school I work.  

Normally I prefer  taking a brisk walk to get inside the buiding as to avoid the crowds, the air pollution of the traffic and the striking heat of the sunlight. But this morning, besides the good weather, there were only a few people on the street, while several flowers were blooming along the way I walked past. The sunlight shone through the gaps of the buildings and infra-structures. It was still too early for the shoppers to come. The malls were not open until 11. The traffic was sparse. It's near-perfect for my workday today. 
