
One but Not the Same

One but Not the Same

Sitting and sweating profusely in front of an electric fan in a small room at midday  is not the best choice to help inspire myself to start my writing today. Yet, going out to sit in the park nearby could be worse for now the temperature here in Bangkok is 40 degrees Celsius more or less. Breeze may come and move some ready-to-fall tiny leaves but far from alleviating the suffocating hot air and striking sunlight. My inspiration might come at last except later than my faintness due to overheating and dehydrating.  So, I just carry on my mission, trying to get my mind be still enough and make it work out for one not-so-boring topic.  And it, eventually, arrives.
Have you ever experienced yourself on being mistaken by others while you had no ideas what made they misunderstand your words?  I am sure I would not be the only one who had such experience.  Let's see some, for example, Get a light.   This can lead you to get either a flashlight or a slap, for the worst scenario I mean. ^^ Another example is "Great".  If  you appreciatively talk to a host who offers you a cup of hot tea when you just escape from cold, rainy night outside, you is most likely to get a flash of welcoming smile back and more of nice tea. Under the same situation, you say it but with your ungrateful voice and probably annoying look, count yourself lucky if your first cup of tea is not taken back or served directly to your face.
According to the two examples, one word could send different messages that could be translated into different meanings.  They depend on situations, tones, expressions, among others.
Such confusions do not appear just in English, which is not my mother-tongue, but also in other languages including my Thai langue. Even a native speaker can often misunderstand and misinterpret the messages he or she receives too.
However, don't be so cautious that you dare not to use the words you prefer or are very picky on your word use. That could make you sound boring or fake rather than natural and unique. Just be aware and optimally careful that one can be but not always the same. ❤☺☺☺



One day under the sunlight in Bangkok

It is now summer season in Thailand.

Summer is hot and in the city of Bangkok it is extremely hot during the day.
April is long known for the hottest period of the year here.
Yet I could not stay in the shade all day for life is moving and working is a must for working people, including me.
Yesterday I spent one thirds of my day time under the mad sunlight since I had to go to three different places,  Walking outside on the streets was also inevitable part of the activities.  At the end of the day, thank god, I was saved by cool air from  the air conditioners in the building I worked. Later, I stepped outside into the cooler night air, heading home.

Today I am going to face the similar experience, and just pray for my survival from the hot air in Bangkok another day.

28 April 2017